JK…there’s actually no such thing as demons. They’re angels in disguise. But seriously, love them in whatever form they come to you, even if it sucks in the moment.
I see a lot of this in my current social media bubble: there’s a shift into accepting what’s in front of us, what is meant for us, and acknowledging that forcing things to look a certain way– especially in the context of relationship– isn’t in anyone’s best interest or alignment.
What we’re missing, however, is that these sign posts–whether they come in for the form of a declined job offer, lover that straight up ghosted your ass, collapsed friendship, clingy ex– are blessings. We don’t have to badmouth them, or malign them, or even label them as “not enough to handle your magnificence.”
Why? Because, like everything, they are a reflection of you. You may have moved beyond this reflection and no longer have a need for it, but it has shown you something you needed to see. It pointed you toward something in YOU that needed to be addressed in order for you to evolve.
Think of it like this: A road worker flags you down in your car and tells you that the bridge you’re about to come up to has collapsed and there’s no way across, and that you’ll have to go back a few miles and take a different route.
You don’t get angry at the road worker–he’s keeping you safe. Even though it’s an inconvenience, even though it’s not what you planned or hoped for, it’s better than driving off a fucking bridge.
It’s the same with our relationships and circumstances that didn’t turn out how we wanted them to: They are redirections toward what is best for us, and we have the opportunity to be grateful that they’re pointing us toward something in our best interest instead of allowing us to crash and burn.
We have the opportunity to THANK them, to feel appreciation for the goodness & nourishment they provided, and to release them to create space for the next thing that will move us into deeper understanding.
At the same time, we do NOT have to keep them in our sphere. There is nothing spiritual about keeping frequencies that do not align with you in your realm.
You do not get extra credit for holding space for people and things that deplete you.
You don’t get put in Alignment Hyperdrive because you’re listening to someone bitch and giving away your precious time and energy.
In fact, keeping these things around hinders you AND them from your relative journeys. When we assume we are “taking care” of someone, we are engaging in a trap of the ego: Who are you to decide what this person needs? Do you think you’re so far “ahead” of this person that they need you to coddle them? You are keeping them in a victim mentality, and you’re feeding into your own superiority complex. This is codependence, not love.
Fire needs air to burn. Love needs space. Love evolves and strengthens with time and everyone allowing connection with their own internal realms.
Love the setbacks, the intrusions, the botched plans and inconveniences. It’s all part of the blueprint, and all you have to do is trust.