“Elegance is the art of achieving maximum results with minimum effort.”
That doozy is from Margot Anand in The Art of Everyday Ecstasy.
My sister Vanessa mentioned to me a few weeks ago that she created a mantra for this new year, and I was so struck and inspired that’s it’s taken me this long to come up with a good one. (Thanks, gurl.) I commit to:
- Cultivating an elegant, ecstatic, graceful life.
- Making it all less of a “thing,” acting from deep, instinctual wisdom without hesitation.
- Eliminating distraction and what isn’t supremely nourishing–only Full-Body Fuck Yes’s.
- Simplicity.
- Acting like, thinking like, being the woman I want to be.
In a distillation: Do something differently.
I know what it’s like to run my patterns, to take it all on alone and hold people at a distance and be afraid to feel and doubt and criticize and be in lack and be a nasty, vindictive bitch about it.
That is a boring, trite story.
I have been slowly, painstakingly picking apart the threads of this old cloak, and I’m weaving a different one.
I’m already so fucking in love with this life–I can’t wait to see what else unfolds.