You mean the thunderous strength of you, the impossible softness of you, the heartwrenching vulnerability and exquisite softness and primordial rage of you?
Your wild depth, your limitless flow, your churning power?
Or that tangy sweetness, that oozing delight, that filthy, unapologetic face and mouth and laugh?
Or that unending compassion, that healing touch, that glue, that “Echale ganas, mijita!” Of the Earth and dirt. Of the sky and breath. Of passion and heat. Of wet and steam.
Of moans and sighs and shrieks and screams and laughter that comes from the Earth Herself.
Who gets it done, overcomes, thrives, revolutionizes, reweaves, alchemizes and creates and plays.
All wrapped up in devastatingly gorgeous flesh?
That ass those thighs those hips those lips. Tho.
And there are so many of you, of us, that I depend on, am transformed by, learn from and evolve with.
To my sisters, my friends, my loves: How humbling that we reflect each other’s Light!
To my teachers, my ancestors, my elders: How you are in my bones and breath!