Switch Your Mindset: Trust
In last week’s sermon at Mile Hi, the minister mentioned: Fear is misplaced Faith. Ah, perfection!
We are constantly creating our reality and experiences, and when we move from reticence and What-If’s, from old stories of who we believe we are, we are creating what we DO NOT want to happen!
Fear is our usual operating system, but if we can actually FEEL in our bodies that things are playing out in our favor, if we say YES to our own unfolding magnificence and have the audacity to feel DESERVING, we put energy towards the opportunities that are meant for our own abundance, joy and Purpose.
Now, these opportunities will ALWAYS come to us, but they come a lot faster & more effortlessly if we can act, think and speak from a place of grateful expectation.
Bring Breath into Your Belly
Our anxieties, depressions & rabid, repetitive thoughts and insecurities are caused by a concentration of energy in our mind. When we bring our breath (which is energy, intention, Life Force) into the belly, we are dispersing the concentration of that energy from our minds to a more balanced distribution throughout our entire system.
The inherent wisdom of our Highest Selves, ancestors, collective communities lies in the body–it’s how we are plugged into the Matrix of Creation. The key is to quit distracting ourselves with our thoughts for long enough to listen to our body wisdom!
Develop a Listening Practice
I love supporting my clients in crafting Practices that get them our of their heads. To me, this begins will feeling pleasure to some capacity. Pleasure settles the nervous system immediately, and from here we can begin to feel grounded & safe enough to start listening to our bodies and, most importantly, trusting the messages and wisdom that are being whispered to us.
This can be as simple as beginning a meditation practice with seated cat-cows or massaging the arches of your feet, or lighting your favorite incense. Start with something that makes you feel good in your body, and see what focus & connection unfold from there.
Recognize that Desires & Longings are Sign Posts
Here is where the Trust & Listening comes in: We are always receiving wisdom in the form of random cravings, desires, and longings.
- To take a new way home.
- To try a new restaurant.
- To make a connection with a stranger.
But how often do we listen to these tuggings? We are so mind-rooted that we’ve already figured out the quickest, easiest way, that we rarely give in to trying something different.
If we want a different circumstance, life, relationship with Source, ourselves or others, WE MUST DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY.
Good thing is, we’re always being guided to that different existence, and we just have to listen AND THEN ACT on those tuggings.
Flow instead of Fight
This one takes serious compassion: There is a part of us that is so convinced that our plan is the best one, that we kick & scream like cranky toddlers when things don’t go our way.
Then we fight like hell to get reality to get back into what our plan was. Spoiler Alert: This never works.
What we can do insteady, and is infinitely easier, is to realize our “setbacks” as REDIRECTION.
Yep: There actually might be something bigger and better for you than your little mind can even fathom.
I have to remind myself of this constantly. Instead of taking things as personal attacks, I have to see that they are actually pointing me in a more helpful, aligned direction.
Plus, how boring would everything be if we got everything we wanted the way we wanted it? We think our plans will make us happy. NOPE.
BONUS: Be Unapologetically Discerning in How You Spend Your Time
Each day is your Offering–we curate & craft in each breath. We MUST be vigilant with our crew, how we spend our time and the thoughts that we thing in order for all of the above to be of any use at all.
- If you are spending time with people who are draining, how can you Trust?
- If you are eating things that make you feel gross, how can you find pleasure in your body?
- If you are worried about getting to the gym to GET EXHAUSTED AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN OMGCALORIES, how can you get quiet enough to listen to your Longings?
Commit to Your Fuck Yes’s–break plans that don’t feel good. Let people go. Limit Your Bullshit Intake, including your own.