What a doozy: It’s the new moon time AND the Autumnal Equinox. Huzzah for working with powerful energy this week!
And like, this whole year, but let’s leave that right there.
It may seem counterintuitive since the New Moon doesn’t shine any actual light we can see, but plants, crystals, water, etc. that we leave out under the New Moon retain an unmistakable energy that we can utilize throughout the moon cycle–and with this particular New Moon-Equinox convergence–throughout the season.
Like a tiny seed nestled into fertile soil, the New Moon imbibes powerful potentiality into intentions made during this phase. It nourishes, protects and empowers these intentions to reach their highest, fullest possibilities in their alignment with the Highest Good.
This blessing is simple and potent, one for your tools that you’ll use throughout the season, specifically if you plan to do work with new beginnings. Use for medicine plants (for teas, limpias, steaming, etc.), candles if that’s your thing, water for spiritual baths, hydrosols, etc.
New Moon Blessing for New Beginnings
This New Moon, I’m blessing herbs for my clients, and some pyrite & calendula to give some juju to my budding new ventures.
Herbs to think about:
Mugwort • Rose Petals • Basil • Oregano • Rosemary
- Light a candle and thank the Fire
- Tritaka/Candle-gazing to center the mind. Allow your intention to take form in a way that feels natural for you.
- Place your hands over the candle, and infuse its light with your intention. Bathe yourself and what you are blessing in this light. Offer this light to Father Sky, Mother Earth, and your Inner Divinity.
- Place your hands over what you are blessing, and close your eyes. Feel the rich, fertile potentiality in the depths of the darkness of this moon, this coming season. It is ripe for grown. Feel the absence of light, and what is to come with GRATEFUL EXPECTATION.
I wrote this prayer. Use this, modify, or write your own that speaks to you and your intention for this blessing.
Ix Chel, Tonantzin, Hecate.
La Virgen, Durga, Erishkigal.
Dark Queen & Sweet Mother, who keeps vigil over her children throughout the long night.
I ask these herbs are infused with your blessings for the greatest healing, deepest transformation and most profound insight that is in alignment with the Highest Good.
As you light returns, may the intentions supported by these plants also flourish, thrive and grow.
And so it is. Ometeotl.
- Thank the moon in your way. Thank the Sky, the Earth, and your Divine Knowing. Thank the fire and extinguish the candle, or let it burn out.
- Sit in gratitude and silence, feeling the difference of what you have blessed before and after the ritual.
- Leave the herbs/crystals/water under the moon, outside or on a windowsill.
That’s it! Let me know how it goes, what prayers you use, and what you’re putting your intentions into, and how you’re planning to use it.
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