You know those anxious thoughts that keep orbiting your thoughts like pesky flies–even though you have absolutely no control of the outcome?
“I need this agreement to go through.”
“Why haven’t I heard back from…:”
“I need to find a new job by the end of this month.”
“What if I can’t find a place to live when…” These exact thoughts are blocking the best option from each situation from coming to you. The very fact that we are afraid keeps out what wants to come in!
While writing my own to-do lists (Virgo much?), one practice I’m all about lately is delegating the things I have no control over to Source/God/Love/Creation: I give the Cosmos stuff to do. By writing it down and putting it near my altar, I get to see every morning the list of things that are ALREADY BEING TAkEN CARE OF, so I don’t even have to worry about it.
When you write yours, think of the best possible outcome and get as specific as possible. Seriously: Dream big, because we get what we ask for.
Write this from a place of peace and grateful expectation–this list is already on its way to you! See if you can feel that in your own body, like putting down heavy grocery bags or slipping into a warm bath.
Don’t worry about the HOW, just focus on having the WHAT.
So what can you put on this list?
⚡️Attributes of your fabulous new future apartment. List amenities, pricepoint, how you want to FEEL there.
⚡️Attributes of your fabulous new lover. List amenities, pricepoint (jk), how this relationship will make you FEEL.
⚡️A support system or circle of friends.
⚡️Your next travel adventure.
⚡️Your new career endeavor and all the paper that will be magnetized toward you because you ARE money, baby.
I always like to add the words “easily,” and “effortlessly” into my list. Because it’s a myth we have to grind: We FLOW.
And now for the Obligatory Osho words (he’s always so right tho):
“Don’t seek, don’t search, don’t ask, don’t knock, don’t demand ~ relax. If you relax it comes, if you relax it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it.”