Our Patterning is Powerful.
We are so used to a very specific reactions to our triggers. Sometimes, they make themselves known by our Always and Never statements.
💥She’s always attacking me.
💥He never cleans up after himself.
💥They’re always so obnoxious.
💥They never text me back.
💥This always happens to me.
Which thoughts are on repeat? Which emotions are so alive that you could taste them?
This is the perfect chance to disrupt your status quo and repattern!💯 First, notice what’s going on. Notice what about the situation has you triggered, and then notice your reaction. You’re probably reeeeeeally used to that particular feeling, so acknowledge it and allow it to come through.
Now here’s the big part: CHANGE the way you feel. You can! You have that power! Close your eyes, feel into WHERE this emotion is alive for you in your BODY. Then breathe into that emotion, breathe into how you want to react.
Then allow where you feel tension or sensation to soften with your breath. Feel your feet on the ground, maybe put your hands on your body, and tune into remembering you are not this feeling or reaction, and this discomfort will dissolve as you sit with it, doing nothing.
THEN: Do something differently than how you want to react. Maybe it’s the exact opposite of what you usually do.
Right now, my practice is to reach out when I want to run away, to connect when I want to isolate, and to be loving when I’m frustrated–especially with myself.
Disconnecting, isolating myself and reacting out of frustration–those are things I am VERY used to feeling and doing, so much that I don’t even realize when it’s happening.
Awareness is the always the answer. It could just start there: Noticing when a pattern comes up as you’re playing it out. Then as you continue to notice, you can begin the (sometimes insanely uncomfortable) practice of Doing It Differently.