It is your Sacred Right & Responsibility to Be Abundant

In all ways. From all sources. April is calling us to be BIG. To pull out the stops, get clear on what we want, and cultivate Fierce Focus to bring

The Process is Happening Perfectly

I’ve been working with this intention all week–it’s been a little rough. I’m moving through some old sadness and disappointment around not being able to trust and feel supported in

Rewriting the Shame Story

When following your beautifully illogical, wild intuitive winks, nods and whispers, you will undoubtedly find yourself in unfamiliar terrain. When you look up, look around, and think: How did I

For Women’s Day

Women? You mean the thunderous strength of you, the impossible softness of you, the heartwrenching vulnerability and exquisite softness and primordial rage of you? Your wild depth, your limitless flow,

It Only Feels Like Failure

One of the reasons new beginnings feel so fresh is because what just ended usually felt so…stale. Stagnant. Heavy. But what if what just ended actually felt full of hope

How to Write Your Cosmic To-Do List

You know those anxious thoughts that keep orbiting your thoughts like pesky flies–even though you have absolutely no control of the outcome? “I need this agreement to go through.”“Why haven’t

Your QUICK’N’DIRTY Guide to Orgasmic Manifestation

Sexual/life force/creative energy is powerful AF, and everytime we engage in pleasure, sex, self-exploration, delight, a delicious cocktail–essentially anything that feels good, we’re able to harness that cultivation of this

Playing it Cool is Boring

If a potential opportunity/lover/friend/collaborator is not stoked on what they’re doing, their life, and the relationship they are cultivating with YOU–let it go. There is something that is exciting, stimulating,

Get Out of Survival Mode

We’re all usually there. And absolutely nothing happens when we are in survival mode because we are rigid, tense, anxious, and set on one way of doing things: the old

The Importance of Female Pleasure

Women enjoying themselves is a radical act. Why is this such a big deal? Because, as a society, we are realizing that our thoughts and emotions create our reality. Quantum
