Show Your Feathers

In this quietuded, I have become intimately close to the Creature. She is feathered & scaled, dancing strong & jiggly, and howls with laughter & delight and sometimes rage &

Normalize Spontaneous Displays of Ecstasy

We are not used to feeling good. Or witnessing others feeling good. Instead we glorify our exhaustion, our busy, our suffering because that somehow makes us worthy. False. When we

Connecting to Your Inherent Wisdom

Fear is our usual operating system, but if we can actually FEEL in our bodies that things are playing out in our favor, if we say YES to our own unfolding magnificence and have the audacity to feel DESERVING, we put energy towards the opportunities that are meant for our own abundance, joy and Purpose.

Adoration After V-Day: Acts of Love as a Spiritual Practice

When we adore someone, we acknowledge and celebrate the Divine that we see in them. It’s a chance to joyfully humble ourselves before our loved ones and honor the richness they bring to our lives.

Write a New Story: Creating Healthy Patterns

I talk a lot about dissolving our old patterns, telling new stories, challenging ourselves to recognize when we’re doing, thinking or saying something out of habit or trauma or comfort

Man Break 2019: Reckless Love Triumphs

This update has been a long time coming; While the Man Break was slated to end on the Autumnal Equinox (it officially began on the Summer Solstice–yeah, I got witchy

Man Break 2019: 3 Ways to Break Your Own Heart

It’s official: I’m halfway through Man Break 2019. With creating space to feel into all the aches, pains and unresolved heartbreak, I’ve realized one thing: We are most useful, effective

Man Break 2019: Things to Do when You’re Not Doing Anyone

It took bowing out from dating to realize how much time it takes up. Between the existential crisis of discarding humans with a single swipe or actually getting approached/approaching someone

Man Break 2019: Women can be Fuckboys, too.

I’ve noticed that people who date men LOVE to bitch about the Fuckboys we’ve encountered. The irrational, extreme and mind-boggling Fuckboy behavior rattles us sentient beings to the core, while

Man Break 2019: Part One

When I heard Kendra Cunov briefly mention her No Man Diet in an interview, I barely took notice. I don’t need a Man Break, I thought. In fact, I need
