Oh, winter. How you aggravate the vata in us all! Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, indecision: all of these manifest a little more aggressively in the winter, because it’s a dry, windy,


When I teach, I encourage students to move in a way that feels good: to tune in and free-form without thinking, without looking at their neighbor, without recalling what they did


Yoga and body image are a tricky pair. You hear your teacher chanting that yoga isn’t a competition, that it doesn’t matter how your pose looks, that if you practice, all


I, along with the rest of my fearless Chicago brethren, have just braved the Worst Midwest Winter Ever. Nearly six months full of root veggies, warm soups, lots of beer


  I’m unreasonably excited to be hosting this workshop and sharing some ayurvedic tips and tricks to THRIVE this winter. Hope to see you there!


Thanksgiving is has come and gone, but I’m still finding new appreciation in a most unlikely place: my injured low back. I hurt myself in the silliest way possible: jumping


Halloween may have come and gone, but I’m still feeling some mysterious sorcery in the air–the kind of stuff that makes my bones tingle, my hips sway and causes me

Transition to Autumn: 5 ways to Ground Yourself

I’ve decided to turn this into a whole little series of posts: read the others here and here. This transition is always particularly rough on me, maybe because I thrive

Transition to Autumn: How to Create a Routine

Happy Autumnal Equinox! Alright, summer is  officially over. I spent the majority of the season in the sun working the patio: my hair is lighter and I have the best


What a weird and beautiful day! Things feel mixed up and a little ungrounded for me lately: my mind is filled with plans and thoughts of travel, love, work and
