Man Break 2019: Anatomy of a Relapse

Just like any cleanse, way of eating, exercise regimen that we go for knowing it’s not sustainable (Whole30, triathlon training, Crossfit), we must allow ourselves a certain amount of leeway

Man Break 2019: 3 Ways to Break Your Own Heart

It’s official: I’m halfway through Man Break 2019. With creating space to feel into all the aches, pains and unresolved heartbreak, I’ve realized one thing: We are most useful, effective

Man Break 2019: How To Get Over Yourself

Intimacy & relationship are a celebration of life: Every day I get to work with couples & individuals who want to let down their barriers to opening up, fully experience

Man Break 2019: Things to Do when You’re Not Doing Anyone

It took bowing out from dating to realize how much time it takes up. Between the existential crisis of discarding humans with a single swipe or actually getting approached/approaching someone

Man Break 2019: Women can be Fuckboys, too.

I’ve noticed that people who date men LOVE to bitch about the Fuckboys we’ve encountered. The irrational, extreme and mind-boggling Fuckboy behavior rattles us sentient beings to the core, while

Man Break 2019: Part One

When I heard Kendra Cunov briefly mention her No Man Diet in an interview, I barely took notice. I don’t need a Man Break, I thought. In fact, I need

The Key to Confidence? Stop Hiding.

I’m freshly back to the mainland from spending almost 3 weeks in Hawaii. That means 3 weeks in sweltering sun, wild jungle tromps, seaside naps between ocean dips. In other


There is something meant for you here. In each moment, in each breath. However ecstatic or painful or pleasurable or uncomfortable, savoring what arises is an inescapable part of the journey.

Sex, Money, Love.

Sex, money, love and success are all made of the same STUFF: They come from a place of freedom, expansion and safety, and in turn they help us to feel

It is your Sacred Right & Responsibility to Be Abundant

In all ways. From all sources. April is calling us to be BIG. To pull out the stops, get clear on what we want, and cultivate Fierce Focus to bring
