To The Gentleman Who Kindly Informed Me of the Amount of Calories in My Candy Purchase

On the way home from an amazing day of biking around town, ping pong, and a couple beers with my man, I found myself in the mood for something a

CorePower Revisited

In Defense of CorePower is the most popular post on my blog. By far. Why? Because it’s on the first page of Google results when you type is some combination

Sri Sessions 006: Community & Ancestral Medicine with Rachel Thomas

Subscribe via iTunes Download Here New moon in Taurus, lovely ones! Today I’m talking all about abundance in its many forms with my friggin’ amazing teacher-mentor-sister Rachel Thomas. Included in

The Ups and Downs of Progress

There is a moment where you think you’re past the worst, where the sun begins to peek through the clouds and the lights finally seems to be returning. Then everything

Let your Hips Speak: Supercharging your Movement Practice

Full disclosure: I go to shockingly few public yoga classes. You’re more likely to spot me in a dance class around town. I do, however, have a daily movement practice,

Meet My…Tilo!

Just kidding. That’s totally not my tilo. That’s my teacher’s tilo. This is mine: I smuggled her into the country with a few root cuttings, and I’m experimenting with a

Surviving the Expansion Hangover

You’ve been there: After a retreat, workshop, or even a deep conversation–the kind  of mind-blowing, perception-altering experience that leaves you unquestionably changed–it hits. You’re inexplicably tired, or moody, or just

We are Weavers: Owning Your Traditions

Under the February's full moon, surrounded by like-minded women in a gigantic circle of prayer, it was hard for me to say yes. Smack dab in the middle of Mexica ritual, with all the support I could ask for, I still had trouble accepting this practice as my own, feeling like I belonged there.

Sri Sessions 004: Anya & Love Stone Yoni Eggs

Subscribe via iTunes Download here Happy full moon, lovely ones! I am freshly back from the South Caribbean and ready to roll with some fresh content for you. Today, I’m talking Adventures

Oh, Integration & A New Trajectory

“Spirit works through us. We are the medicine.” —Grace Alvarez Sesma, Chicana/Kumiai/Yoeme, Curanderismo, the Healing Art of Mexico Costa Rica is a time warp. As soon as I notice how
