Finding Your Roots: Reconnect to Your Ancestors

  My brain is in that mushy, fresh-out-of-ceremony state: I just spent 4 nights dancing under the full moon with 200 women from all over the world as a part

Shake It Off: A Movement Practice

After 10+ years of practicing yoga, I’m used to being moving in a box: my mat is my little box of comfort and my breath directs me up and down,

Sip & Steam: Teas for your Mug or your Bajo

I’ve written about bajos before: they’re a nourishing, grounding way to take care of both you and your palomita. Steaming your nethers has a huge amount of benefits, from regulating your moon

Radical Ritual: Mindful Eating

I’m not always a mindful eater. As a former chronic dieter: eating was a numbers game of counting calories and tallying macro nutrients. For my Virgo-fueled meticulousness, this was pure

5 Ways to Love on your Yoni

Dude. Yonis are popular. Vaginas are hot right now. People love the kachoo. Could it be because we, as a culture, know so little about the illusive concha? Or that we

A Winter Detox? Think Again.

If your holiday was anything like mine, there were 10 days of a lot of chocolate and oscillating between a strong buzz and a low-grade hangover. I love wine. Then Holiday

Dear 2016, Let's Get Scared Shitless

While watching the year’s first sunrise, I finished Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly audiobook. How appropriate. I started listening while flying home to Chicago for Christmas last week, and it was

Happy Solstice: I Can Neither Trust nor Surrender.

Today is the Winter Solstice. The Return of the Light after the longest night of the year, when we’re supposed to rest, repose, contemplate. I am calling myself out. As

Do Something with Your Gratitude

Thanksgiving is Thursday, and it’s easy to come up with a list of things to be grateful for. More than a list, I can muster that warm, unctuous, in-love feeling

Your Yoni. Steamed.

First of all, we need to come up with a few sexy, non-offensive, non-euphemistic options for our vulvas and vaginas. Yoni is great, but reminds me of Mario’s cuddly dinosaur
