Lately, I’ve been all about the Hindu pantheon. Each image of Hindu deities are so beautifully intricate and exotic, sometimes depicted as the fantastic merging of human and beast, each


One of my favorite ways to begin a yoga class or my own practice to with cultivating the witness consciousness.   I find a comfortable seat and observe where the


I, along with the rest of my fearless Chicago brethren, have just braved the Worst Midwest Winter Ever. Nearly six months full of root veggies, warm soups, lots of beer


These past two days have been a battle. I arrived in Puerto Viejo at the beginning of the week, wide-eyed and ready to get to work, so excited to be

Transition to Autumn: Fall Food Swaps

For the third and final installment (check out the previous ones here and here) of how to make a smooth transition from summer to fall, I’m focusing on food swaps!


I see a lot of pictures like the above on Facebook and Pinterest, and after watching food and farming documentaries,  they get me riled up. This spring, I put my


Today it’s 38 degrees outside in Chicago, and snow flurries are floating in the air. Awesome. Well, it’s Spring weather somewhere right? I can’t help but wonder how this interminable Midwestern winter


  Here’s a handy guide to what’s in season. Keep this in mind when shopping, and remember to hit up your friendly local farmer when you can!


I love seeing people look at nutrition labels when I grocery shop. It makes me feel like they’re voting with their forks and dollars, putting down that 19g of sugar


Know who’s pretty awesome? Seane Corn. I got to take her Chakra workshop this past weekend at Moksha, and I gotta say: Good. Stuff.
