Know what’s fun? Flowing to dubstep. Not for every practice. Certainly not for teaching. I know it’s over. I KNOW. But once in a while, when you’re down for an
How is it the end of January already? As usual, I’ve been craving something sweet and chocolatey. It must be the cold-as-crap weather we’ve been having today in Chicago. Yesterday
It’s eye-opening how much weight and importance we place into the labels for ourselves. I like labels; they make everything neat and tidy. But all too often, people, events, life,
Know who’s pretty awesome? Seane Corn. I got to take her Chakra workshop this past weekend at Moksha, and I gotta say: Good. Stuff.
I’m on a full-on popsicle-making kick. If you think about it, popsicles are the perfect medium for flavor experimentation: all you need is a blender, molds, and a little inspiration.
If you know me at all, or have even scrolled through my blog, there’s one thing you know about me for sure: I love food. Let me clarify: I love
Ah, summer in Chicago. It brings sweaty porch beers, unbearable heat waves and–my favorite–street festivals. I missed a couple of my faves while in Europe, but was lucky enough to
I just came back from my first yoga class since returning to Chicago, and just–wow. Spending the last five weeks sustaining myself on self-practice has been very, shall we say,
[Editor’s Note: Four years after publication, I have written a response to this piece. Read it here. 5/15/2016] The first things a yoga snob will say is “I am not a