How to Celebrate the Summer Solstice

It’s almost here! Saturday, June 21–the first day of summer, or the summer solstice–marks the day with the most hours of sunlight; from here on out, the days get shorter as


A lot of people back home are wondering what exactly it is I’m doing here right now. Officially, I’m helping Rachel Thomas–an incredibly knowledgeable, experienced herbalist and spiritual healer here


For a long time, I didn’t eat butter. Most of my life, now that I think of it. I was lucky enough to grow up in the 90’s, where the


Thursday I came back home after spending 12 days in Costa Rica. It could’ve been the bitter Chicago wind, or glimpses of my own dusky shoulders in mirrors, or nibbles


Six am: you elusive muse. What could you accomplish if you woke up at 6am every day? A bit of time for yourself before heading to work. Extra time to


 Caffeine buzzed, that is. The fine art of becoming caffeinated is a fickle, delicate undertaking. Too much? Jitters and a yucky stomach arise. Too little? I’ve never actually experienced too


I’m on a full-on popsicle-making kick. If you think about it, popsicles are the perfect medium for flavor experimentation: all you need is a blender, molds, and a little inspiration.

Turkish Coffee, Istanbul Modern, Istiklal

The carpet salesman brought out coffee and glasses of water on a silver engraved tea tray before setting a cup and saucer before me, then his wife, then at the

Hello, Madrid.

Granada was fun. More about it later. Quite possibly the best way to travel, if you have the time, is by train. It takes longer than a plane, but is


I’ve seen a lot of enchanting things here: undulating hills exhaling thick mist, extravagant moorish-influenced architecture, fields and fields of olive trees like Illinois has corn. I’ve seen flamenco dancers, 
