Ever since my ayurvedic assessment and my being a bit anemic on the regular, I’ve been making it a point to include more iron in my diet. Some of my
I love seeing people look at nutrition labels when I grocery shop. It makes me feel like they’re voting with their forks and dollars, putting down that 19g of sugar
One of my favorite words is saudade. It’s Portuguese, and is one of those spectacular words that doesn’t really have a translatable equivalent because it’s so loaded. Roughly, it’s a longing for someone
Know what’s fun? Flowing to dubstep. Not for every practice. Certainly not for teaching. I know it’s over. I KNOW. But once in a while, when you’re down for an
How is it the end of January already? As usual, I’ve been craving something sweet and chocolatey. It must be the cold-as-crap weather we’ve been having today in Chicago. Yesterday
That was terrible. Anyway, today I found a golden beet at the produce market!
It’s eye-opening how much weight and importance we place into the labels for ourselves. I like labels; they make everything neat and tidy. But all too often, people, events, life,
Know who’s pretty awesome? Seane Corn. I got to take her Chakra workshop this past weekend at Moksha, and I gotta say: Good. Stuff.