Four days ago, I arrived at the Blue Osa on the Osa peninsula. The Osa is about as far south as Puerto Viejo, but on the Pacific side of the
I had a friend recently tell me about a tearful, man-related moment she had in a yoga studio, when a teacher came up to her and said “Aparigraha, my dear.
For a long time, I didn’t eat butter. Most of my life, now that I think of it. I was lucky enough to grow up in the 90’s, where the
This is what 2013 taught me: Fall in love fiercely and sweetly. Over and over. With as many things and people as possible. Be joyful for no reason. Find divinity
I’m unreasonably excited to be hosting this workshop and sharing some ayurvedic tips and tricks to THRIVE this winter. Hope to see you there!
May she be fed and nurtured! I’ve been flowing to this and it helps me remember warm tropical rain, and excited for when I’ll feel it again. [spotify id=”spotify:user:129145202:playlist:7kmdSyRQarLaFCjK8S1Zdf” width=”300″
Thanksgiving is has come and gone, but I’m still finding new appreciation in a most unlikely place: my injured low back. I hurt myself in the silliest way possible: jumping
Thursday I came back home after spending 12 days in Costa Rica. It could’ve been the bitter Chicago wind, or glimpses of my own dusky shoulders in mirrors, or nibbles
How plentiful is squash right now? Gorgeous varieties are popping up at the market; my favorite is probably the hubbard squash. It looks like a dead zombie squash. I’ve never
For the third and final installment (check out the previous ones here and here) of how to make a smooth transition from summer to fall, I’m focusing on food swaps!