Under the February's full moon, surrounded by like-minded women in a gigantic circle of prayer, it was hard for me to say yes. Smack dab in the middle of Mexica ritual, with all the support I could ask for, I still had trouble accepting this practice as my own, feeling like I belonged there.
“Spirit works through us. We are the medicine.” —Grace Alvarez Sesma, Chicana/Kumiai/Yoeme, Curanderismo, the Healing Art of Mexico Costa Rica is a time warp. As soon as I notice how
I love hearing herb nerds talk plants: they talk about them like old friends with whom they’ve had the most fantastic adventures. The plants are animated and temperamental. In
These past two days have been a battle. I arrived in Puerto Viejo at the beginning of the week, wide-eyed and ready to get to work, so excited to be