Normalize Spontaneous Displays of Ecstasy

We are not used to feeling good. Or witnessing others feeling good. Instead we glorify our exhaustion, our busy, our suffering because that somehow makes us worthy. False. When we

Connecting to Your Inherent Wisdom

Fear is our usual operating system, but if we can actually FEEL in our bodies that things are playing out in our favor, if we say YES to our own unfolding magnificence and have the audacity to feel DESERVING, we put energy towards the opportunities that are meant for our own abundance, joy and Purpose.

Autumn New Moon Ritual for New Beginnings

What a doozy: It’s the new moon time AND the Autumnal Equinox. Huzzah for working with powerful energy this week! And like, this whole year, but let’s leave that right

3 Centering Practices for Late Summer

In Denver, today is the first day it actually feels like Fall. Last night, the nearly-full moon was a creamy orange, dreamsicle color from the wildfires. Being under her light

Which Ritual Tools are Right for Me?

One of the most common dilemmas my ritual crafting clients run into when starting a ritual practice is: What tools do I use? Luckily, I could nerd out on talking

Body Spells: Yoga & Ritual

  I just recently started teaching public yoga classes again. And, god I missed it so much. I had forgotten how nourishing it is to guide practitioners through pranayama, asana, and

Practices for Activists: How to Call Your Representatives even if You’re Terrified

Talking on the phone isn’t easy for me: There is something inherently terrifying to me about speaking to a stranger you cannot see.  As a kid, my parents knew I

Kisses not Curses, Or, I Don't Understand Hexing Trump

Straight up: I don’t understand this whole Cursing the President thing. Yes, prayer/magic/truth/manifestation/whatever you wanna call your brand of JUJU has its place in politics, society and economics. Yes, we’re

Body Talk: Body Image is Super Important for Healers

You already know this: As healers/magic-makers/witches/priestesses/diviners/et all, the way we view our bodies affects our craft. After all, we bring the ethereal into this realm through our bodies. We touch our tools,

Ritual to Welcome Ereshkigal Season

I love autumn: As basic as it may be, I’m first in line for freebasing pumpkin-flavored anything come September, with orange leaves in my hair and the cozy socks-n-knee boots combo. But
