Practices for Activists: How to Call Your Representatives even if You’re Terrified

Talking on the phone isn’t easy for me: There is something inherently terrifying to me about speaking to a stranger you cannot see.  As a kid, my parents knew I

Kisses not Curses, Or, I Don't Understand Hexing Trump

Straight up: I don’t understand this whole Cursing the President thing. Yes, prayer/magic/truth/manifestation/whatever you wanna call your brand of JUJU has its place in politics, society and economics. Yes, we’re

A Beautiful & Dangerous Assignment

On Saturday, I was part of an estimated 2.9 million demonstration for love, compassion, unity & a world where everyone of us is safe, abundant, and happy. My social media

Do Something with Your Gratitude

Thanksgiving is Thursday, and it’s easy to come up with a list of things to be grateful for. More than a list, I can muster that warm, unctuous, in-love feeling


I’m coming down from that post-workshop/conference high after the A Weekend with the Yoga and Body Image Coalition. It was a breath of fresh air and a huge weight was
