These past two days have been a battle. I arrived in Puerto Viejo at the beginning of the week, wide-eyed and ready to get to work, so excited to be


On trips, I’m a notorious over-packer. I love to over-prepare and dream up all sorts of situations I could find myself in: What if I’m invited to a fancy beachside


In case you missed how deeply I fell in love with Costa Rica the first time around, let me just iterate: I did. Hard. So much so that I’m returning


I had a friend recently tell me about a tearful, man-related moment she had in a yoga studio, when a teacher came up to her and said “Aparigraha, my dear.


This is what 2013 taught me: Fall in love fiercely and sweetly. Over and over. With as many things and people as possible. Be joyful for no reason. Find divinity


May she be fed and nurtured! I’ve been flowing to this and it helps me remember warm tropical rain, and excited for when I’ll feel it again. [spotify id=”spotify:user:129145202:playlist:7kmdSyRQarLaFCjK8S1Zdf” width=”300″


I was deep in conversation with Vanessa yesterday. It’s hard to believe that two weeks ago, we were barefoot in the tropical sunshine, sipping at coconuts through straws, traipsing through


Thursday I came back home after spending 12 days in Costa Rica. It could’ve been the bitter Chicago wind, or glimpses of my own dusky shoulders in mirrors, or nibbles


This is a promise: I am making international travel a Thing. With a capital T. If you have a lowercase “thing,” it’s a fleeting affair, you’re on a kick: I’ve


What a weird and beautiful day! Things feel mixed up and a little ungrounded for me lately: my mind is filled with plans and thoughts of travel, love, work and
